UPDATED 18/02/09

Dear Colleagues,

We are pleased to announce that following the strong stance taken by the Chamber with regards to this issue with the CEO and the Director, Inspectorate & Enforcement, Medicines Authority, we have received in writing the following:

“Further to your below email regarding the proposed pharmacy licence condition 3(3), please note that this was discussed at high level and it was decided to remove condition 3(3) from the proposed pharmacy licence
conditions. Therefore this closes off the issue and so there is no need for any meeting in this regard.
Mr. Mark Cilia
Director, Inspectorate & Enforcement
Medicines Authority”

We thank you for your support and ask you to keep alert and inform the Chamber immediately on any issue.

M.Borg Millo
Hon Secretary


5th February 2009



The Malta Chamber of Pharmacists will be forwarding to your attention the copy of a letter which is self-explanatory and which has been forwarded to the authorities listed.

The Chamber has worked intensely on this matter since receipt of the document in the last quarter of 2008, with legal guidance.

A report on the matter was prepared and discussed during an intensive meeting of a delegation of the Chamber with the CEO, and the Director, Inspectorate & Enforcement, Medicines Authority held on 4th December 2008.

This serious matter was highlighted at the Chamber’s Annual General Meeting held on 9th December 2008.

The Director, Inspectorate & Enforcement, Medicines Authority recently forwarded a copy of the ‘final document of the Pharmacy Licence Conditions which will be sent together with the next pharmacy licences issued.’

The Chamber acting on legal advice, has issued this letter to ensure democratic and fair treatment of pharmacists.

You are advised to inform the Chamber if you have already received this document from the Medicines Authority.

The Chamber shall keep you posted on developments and you are asked to keep on the alert for further notices.

Max Borg Millo
Hon. Secretary