The Kamra ta’ l-Ispizjara ta’ Malta is flabbergasted to say the least at the misinformation which is rampantly evident in the MAM’s kneejerk press release issued today, on the Minister of Health’s proposal for development of Pharmaceutical Care practices by pharmacists in the best interest of patient outcomes.

It is inconceivable that, our sister profession should lambast the fact that the Minister of Health has proposed that Malta should follow certain trends which are and have been, long in place and evolving in countries such as the UK and the US. The MAM should seek synergies to enhance teamwork rather than propose long exhausted, feeble, non sequitur arguments on liberalisation of pharmacy licences and prices of medicines.

MAM is offensive in attempting to deprecate Pharmacists who are independent health care professionals whose prime interest is to ensure the highest quality of patient care. The Kamra reiterates its full support of the innovative and forward-looking stance taken by the Minister of Health.

It takes bona fide professionals to change a mentality and move with the times.


25th March 2010

Mary Ann Sant Fournier BPharm, MPhil
Kamra ta’ l-Ispizjara ta’ Malta
Malta Chamber of Pharmacists