When you hear the word shark, what is the first thing that pops into your head? The image of a dark rigid fin slicing through the water, or a monster leaping from dark depths. Sharks are actually vital for the health of our seas, without them, we’d have more jellyfish and less fish.

Greg Nowell from Sharklab will be talking about the ‘Sharks Around Malta’ on the 13th July at 20:00 at Ta’ Fra Ben Reggae Bar, Qawra at the Malta Cafe Scientifique and Green Drinks Malta event (Facebook: ). After the talk, the bar will be open for drinks and food, including veggie options. IF you’d like to attend please book by emailing: info@greendrinksmalta.org .

Sharks have evolved over the last 450 million years into one of the most prolific and varied species, which keep the marine environment balanced. Only in the last few decades have we learnt that they are an essential top-level predator, and are still discovering new species.

The problem is that sharks are still over-fished for their fins, or caught accidentally as by-catch. People have been slow to act, and as time ticks by, they keep disappearing. The fear of sharks in popular culture does not help.

So many species are misunderstood, cast as monsters and targeted by badly managed fisheries, what hope do they have? Perhaps it is not all doom and gloom, and there is still time to save the shark through education and learning. Hard work and passion just might make it possible to make a difference.

Join Greg Nowell on a journey, learn the facts, dispel the myths about sharks, and play your part in their continued survival on this, the blue planet.


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