Pharmacist Driven Health Awareness Campaign On The Occasion Of World Diabetes Day

The Kamra ta’ l-Ispizjara ta’ Malta would like to invite you to participate in a health awareness campaign on the occasion of World Diabetes Day which is celebrated internationally on the 14th November 2012.  This campaign is being organized with the support of the Maltese Diabetes Association and the Pharmaceutical Industry and will be run against a minimal donation of 2 Euros per patient with proceeds going to the Malta Community Chest Fund (MCCF).

Aims of the Campaign

  • to promote the pharmacy as a centre for health promotion and disease prevention.
  • to enhance the role of the pharmacist in more personalized patient care through the provision of screening services and education.


  • The Kamra has garnered support from the Maltese Diabetes Association – the national support group for patients suffering from diabetes
  • The campaign will run for the week 12-17 November with patients being able to take their BG readings either by just walking in or by appointment depending on the system the pharmacist wants to adopt according to own work schedule.
  • Sticks and lancets for the Blood Glucose meter as well as monitoring cards to hand over to the patient will be provided. If you do not own your own BG meter let us know.  If you have your own let us know the brand so that we can take note.
  • There will be two (2) workshops prior to the start of the campaign so that all participating pharmacists are equipped with the advise that needs to be given to the patients, as well as know the logistics of the running of the campaign.
  •  The campaign will be publicized on the local radio, TV and newspapers as well as through the publications of the Local Councils and Parishes of the different localities.
  • The public will be directed to the Pharmacist of Their Choice for screening via: (1) Breakfast TV shows; (2) Radio Programmes; (3) Local Newspapers
  • The list of participating pharmacies will be listed in accordance to locality on: (1) the Kamra website hosted at under ‘’campaigns’’*;(2)Local council newsletter,  website and poster; (3) Parishes newsletters and poster

Training Workshops

The participating pharmacists will be invited to attend an intensive training workshop as part of the Kamra’s  Autumn Continuing Professional Development (CPD)  Programme on various aspects of diabetes with a special campaign focus.  More specifically a Standard Operating Procedure with Guidelines will be handed out.  Participating pharmacists will be supported also with patient education material.

It is the Kamra’s intention that there will be assistance of pharmacy students to help in this campaign.

Criteria for participation

The participating pharmacist must be a fully paid up member of the Kamra for 2012.  The annual membership fee stands at 50 euro.  Pharmacists who would like to participate and are not paid up are kindly requested to regularize their position.  This may be done by sending a cheque made payable to the “Malta Chamber of Pharmacists” at the address below or via  internet banking to HSBC account no  089-022594-001 or BOV account no 40017968768.

If you are willing to participate in the campaign then you are kindly requested to fill in the attached (below) registration form.  This is to be sent by not later than the 30th  August* to:

Malta Chamber of Pharmacists

127, Professional Centre,

Sliema Road,


Should you require further clarification or information do not hesitate to contact  the undersigned preferably by sending an e-mail to or alternatively by calling 79003024.

*”Campaigns” area already activated.  Pharmacies listed are those managed by fully paid up pharmacist members of the Kamra for 2012.

*Late applications or applications without payment will be not be considered.